Collection (MOMO)

Collection with payment pages is for Mobile Money dominated countries (GHS, KHS). This is the Async method of creating collection order it is designed to provide speedy responses.

Create Order - Using Fuspay's Payment Pages

This endpoint is used to create an order on Intrapay


So, if you want a payment page (a screen that allows your users input their phone number & network), Please include x-partner-id, x-merchant-secret in the header and ignore intrapay_merchant_id in the request body.

Note: The intrapay merchant id is different for each account (currency) created on Intrapay. You can find your intrapay merchant id at the bottom left AFTER YOU HAVE SETUP the wallet of that currency.

The merchant secret is also different per currency. Find your merchant secret at the partner mapping screen by clicking on your name on the partner list.

Orders start to appear on Intrapay dashboard after user has visited the payment page and has accepted payment on their phone.


Request Body

//API response

//Callback Response 1
{ "partner_order_id": "FUSPAY-Y-20251", "callbak_data": "OK" }

//Callback response 2
{"": ""}

Example Request- Code


    async () => {

        const primary_key = "1"
        const secret_key = ""

        const partner_id = ""
        const merchant_secret = ""
        const request = require('request');
        const options = {
            method: 'POST',
            url: '',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'x-merchant-secret': merchant_secret,
                'x-partner-id': partner_id,
                Authorization: Bearer ${primary_key}
            body: {
                "partner_order_id": "qorepay0001",
                "amount_to_collect": "500",
                "timestamp": 1694604837129,
                "order_expiration": 1694605737129,
                "currency": "KHS",
                "partner_callback_url": "",
                "partner_redirect_url": "",
                "signature": "8da879e46e30cb50519a321677c14568f2a08e2ce35c046514a4523402a376d2659827516f59620023400396dd3652c6825a8cb221ffabf7d1007e0275f24d60"
            json: true
        request(options, function (error, response, body) {
            if (error) throw new Error(error);



Last updated